About Me

This is what I do.

Yet another software developer.

I have a decent understanding in building scalable back-end systems and working with distributed systems. With expertise in Golang, JavaScript, Rails, Databses etc, I have developed and maintained high-performance distributed software solutions.

My passion lies in building development tools, SDKs, and debugging to improve code quality and performance. I also like nerning new languages.


Here goes my Resume



  • Golang, JavaScript, Bash, Python, Rails (4, 7), Lua
  • RDBMS: MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • NoSQL: Cassandra (minimal), InfluxDB, Redis
  • MQ: SQS, Kafka
  • Cloud stuff: VMs, Firewall(ufw), Certicate management, VPS, Docker, AWS
  • Kong(nginx), Git, Terraform, Wireshark, strace, React, CLoudwatch Insights
  • Basic idea of kubernetes